Sunday, May 20, 2018

Island Paradise Day 27

I thought I would share a few random pictures of things we have seen and enjoyed. Here are some of the fish we have seen (in order): Rainbow Parrotfish, Squirrelfish, Spotlight Parrotfish

Queen Angelfish, Dog snapper (this guy swims around us regularily and he is about 2.5 feet long!), Foureyed Butterflyfish

We enjoy the quirkiness of Utila town and it's colourful people and places as well (in order):The corner near where the ferry comes in is where several older and younger dudes hang out; the vehicles of Utila, "Treetanic" a whimsical treetop bar created by a local artist with a love of recycling
Our favorite sight of all is right out front of our house. Rain or shine, Jack Neal Beach is the prettiest place on the island!

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