Monday, December 11, 2017

Leemos Muchos Libros

Stephane and I have been reading a lot – and why not? We have a lot of time. It was one of the things I was looking forward to the most.

I went to Graduate school when I was 42 to do a Master’s degree, and during my two years of school I did more reading than I had ever done in my whole life. By the time my thesis research was done I had a difficult time picking up a book. I did not read for pleasure for YEARS. Knowing in advance that I would likely get bored sooner than later this winter, I had psyched myself up for lots of reading: Reading in the hammock; Reading while floating on my air mattress; Reading by the pool; Reading in bed during sex (No just kidding, I NEVER read during sex); Reading in bed.

Today we had a wonderful day of bike riding through the town of Bucerias. We rode up and down dozens of cobble stone streets. It was really great to see all the casas and tiendas. Going downhill was a little precarious as the bikes we were riding lacked decent breaks. I had to dismount and walk my bike down each hill. I would then get on the bike, start to ride up the hill, run out of steam and then get off and walk the bike up the hill. I guess Steph and I had a nice walk through Bucerias today. After many hours and many miles I was looking forward to taking it easy and doing some reading.

I sat down with a glass of wine, put my feet up on the ottoman, and picked up my book. This would be my fourth or fifth book in the last few weeks. I flipped open to the dog eared page and started to read. After a few minutes, I laid down my book and said, “You know, I just cannot get into this book. It seems a lot like the last one I read. They are so similar I keep getting the characters all mixed up.” Then Steph said, “Corrie, that is the last book you read, YOUR book is over there – I am reading that one now.”

Oh my, sometimes I seriously think I have dementia. Yesterday as we were sitting by the pool playing Anagrams, Stephane played the word “lacey” and I said, “Hey, that was my last name from my first marriage…or maybe that was the street I lived on. I cannot remember.” Seriously, for the life of me, I cannot remember. If it was the street I lived on, then what the heck was my name? Oh well, it doesn’t matter.

Pickle ball is tomorrow. We finally got over our aches and pains, so are reading I mean - ready - to do it all over again. Except now I am thinking I should maybe start exercising my brain...I heard Sudoku is good...

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