Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Eat More! The Best 2025 Resolution

What is it about the first day of January that makes us want to do better? New beginnings offer hope and an opportunity to redeem ourselves. And redemption we need because we abuse our bodies all year. 

Moderation and balance is not easy. We find it difficult to nuture and care for ourselves. Eating properly has become a chore instead of a joy and privilege.

I think for far too long we have been convinced that convenience is more important than health. Marketing inculcates us to the message that more is better. Plus, extra and bonus portions make us feel like we are getting something for nothing. And then the food itself is pumped full of all kinds of salt and sugar disguised to create addictions so we buy and eat more.

We are influenced to want fast and easy food. We have forgotten the joy of cooking. Restaurants serve us gigantic plates and the landfills fill up with methane producing food waste. We go to Costco and buy bulk to save time and money, but what we are really doing is wasting time in lineups and so much of what we buy just goes bad and gets thrown out.

And don't get me started on packaging...!!!

The U.S. Government subsidizes corn producers which creates a glut of corn, which sadly finds its way into practically everything as corn syrup, adding more calories and sugar to everything we eat, and obesity is the result.

People have forgotten what real food tastes like.

This New Year don’t resolve to eat less. Resolve to eat more. MORE REAL FOOD. Natural, whole foods that are not in a box or can or bag. And if you can, grow a garden and resolve to rediscover the joy of a tomato picked ripe, or a warm peach off the tree. 

Lastly, resolve to find your way back into the kitchen.

We are what we eat. 

I feel blessed to live in an area where I can grow all my own food and I benefit from the fruits (pun intended) of my garden labours in so many ways: from healthy, organic and tasty FREE food, to a body kept in shape by all the bending and stretching. I sometimes curse hard work in the garden, but I know deep down my garden is saving me. I am being grounded daily – and my mood is enhanced by the sound of the birds and the feel of a warm egg taken out of the coop.

I encourage you this year to resolve to discover real food. I promise, you will save yourself, and together we could save the planet.


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