Thursday, November 28, 2024

Pumpkin Pie and Russians

Today is American Thanksgiving, and as I pondered what I should write about, I decided to look at my blog statistics for inspiration. To date, I have written 151 blog posts since 2017. A grand sum of 27,162 people around the world have read this blog. Most are from Canada and the U.S., but I was surprised to see that I have a considerable number of readers in Singapore (4,100), Hong Kong (3,240), and Russia (1,230).

Russia? Seriously? That means there are people in Russia who probably know more about me than my kids (who I am pretty sure do not read my blog)!

It made me realize that although I write for myself, as a form of therapy, and to remember stuff for when I write books, I am putting my thoughts, opinions, and personal stories out there for anyone in the world to read. I know that in this day of Instagram influencers with millions of followers, a meager 27,000 views are a pittance, but it still strikes me as a responsibility to ensure I am doing my best to speak the truth. Truth is hard to come by in this age of deep fakes, partisan “news,” and photoshopped pictures.

So here is some truth…I have been having trouble motivating myself to write lately. I would like to think it is because I need less “therapy,” but I am not sure that is the case. It may be because this is the third winter I have come to the Pacific Northwest to mushroom hunt in the forests, and one can only write about trees and mushroom so much.

 All I know is that it feels like a chore to me right now, and I really do try to go easy on myself in the winter. I work so hard in the spring and summer that in the winter I try to allow myself to rest, recreate, and rejuvenate. To do what I want to do, when I want to do it.

To that end, today when my head was saying, “Corrie you really need to go for a hike,” my heart replied, “F--- it. It is too cold outside.” So instead, I cooked a chicken with gravy, sweet potatoes, white corn, brussels sprouts, and stuffing and sat down to a thanksgiving meal at 11 am! I am now on the couch binge watching The Crown and drinking white wine and against the better judgment of my head, my heart is telling me to go get another piece of pecan pie. 

Happy Thanlsgiving to my 4,126 American readers.

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