Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Quirky Ajijic – Week 2

We are truly enjoying our time in Ajijic. I did not realize how energy zapping all the heat we have been in was. Here I feel like a new woman – fresh air, warm sunshine, cool nights. Everywhere there are flowers in bloom, so as each day passes, our walks get more and more colourful.

There are A LOT of dogs here! Fewer dying, stray dogs than we have seen elsewhere, but everyone seems to have several and often they are off leash. This has made for numerous interesting encounters as you never know when the dogs are going to fight, play, sniff, or have a pissing match. There are many quirky things here that just make us smile. For instance, each day as we walk Annie, we pass house after house with pet dogs, and the cacophony begins as each and every dog we pass goes nuts barking. They strain to get their heads under the door, through the bars of the balcony, or...and this is just quirky... they bark down at us from the roof! Yes indeed, Ajijic is full of dogs on roofs! (sounds like a Dr. Seuss book!)

Most of the houses in Ajijic are surrounded by tall concrete walls, artistically painted and with lovely metal gates. Inside the tall walls are large courtyards and the houses. These tall walled fences make for some quirky tree sightings. It is not unusual to see that the wall has been built around the tree branches.

The walls are also home to a lot of street art, making the town seem happy and vibrant.

Ajijic is a very walkable town. The cobbled streets start at the base of the mountain, a thousand feet up and run down to the lake. They are very rough and very skinny.
Needless to say, parking is at a premium.

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