Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Island Paradise Day 22

We are finding that our internal clocks are getting into rhythm with the sun. We are waking up earlier and earlier, and going to seep earlier and earlier. I suppose it has to do with the fact that it is very dark here when the sun goes down. It is not like in town where street lights and businesses light the way. Here you have only the stars and moon, and when the moon is not out and when it is cloudy, it is incredibly dark. Walking from one room to another without a light is impossible. Going outside is not an option…so by 6:30 it feels like midnight. There is nothing to do but read (makes us tired), watch Netflix (also makes us tired) and listen to the waves, which, let’s face it, is quite sleep inducing.

Needless to say, we often find ourselves up before six a.m. enjoying the only part of the day that is not steamy hot. Early is a good time to go walking, though we have not managed to do that yet as we truly enjoy drinking our coffee and reading the news. Steph gets caught up on the sports scores and standings and what is going on in the world, and I read the financial news and make investment decisions for the day. By the time we are done it is already very hot for walking, so our walks usually involve swim stops along the way. Or we skip the walk and go in snorkeling.

By 6 p.m. we are exhausted and often skip supper, watch a show, and head to bed. It sounds pathetic, I know, but in reality, we are satisfied. The heat is energy zapping, and we have decided we just cannot fight it. Why run around trying to “do” things in the sticky heat. It is so much more pleasurable to stand up to our necks in the clear water and wiggle our toes in the sand and talk, or read in the side by side hammock on the dock where there is a nice breeze.

I have been meaning to make bread for over a week. I have all the ingredients I need, but I just cannot seem to get around to it. I would do it now, except it is 7:18 p.m. and I am getting sleepy…

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