Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Island Paradise Day 16

I had no idea what I was in for when I committed to blogging every one of my 60 days in paradise. Normally I blog about once a week and I never have trouble thinking about what to write about, but it is a little tougher doing it every day. There are still so many things I have not written about, but many stories I am saving for a larger for thematic post. Right now it is 10 p.m. and we just got home from town where we went with friends for Tapas. Great night and interesting journey home, but I am way too tired for a long post tonight.

I really wanted to write everyday so as to truly capture not just the day to day goings on here, and not just the unusual or dramatic stories we are experiencing here, but I wanted to be able to remember how I felt too. Living on this beach has been on my bucket list since 2007 and I do not want to rush through it. I want to savour the experience. And for me, that means going back and being able to read about it - all of it - even about the boring, uneventful days like today where it rained and I had a backache - I want to capture what this moment in my life looked like. It is always easy to look back on something and remember only the good parts – or only the bad parts – I want to remember everything.

It is entirely possible after this trip I may never hang my hat anywhere for any length of time (except back home in Oliver). Finding the perfect place is a little harder than I thought, and I am learning that no one place is perfect. I am not sure if it is something we will just "feel" or if it will ultimately be the place that ticks off the most boxes. Or if we will never find that perfect place. Maybe we have already found it and just don't know it yet. Could it be Utila? I don't know. What we do know is life is harder here, and there are so many things that we take for granted back home: things like water, power, internet, and phone service. Pristine beach front Caribbean property may be under $300,000 here - but it comes at a different cost.

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